Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 8: Tiehnim Taaiim

I have decided that fresh figs top my list of the seven species. Then grapes, then wheat, followed by barley, pomegranates, dates and finally olives. If you have ever tasted fresh figs, you understand why.

I must have walked around today for several hours and miles. Had a nice chat with the man in the makolet (corner market type place--like Mr. Hooper's on Sesame St.), hung out at the harware store, and got a tremendous amount of fruits and vegetables for under 15NIS!!! Produce like that alone would have been upwards to $15 easy. I'm still baffled by it all.

I had a nice chat with a friend last night, discussing adjustments over a couple of pints of beer. He, having spent all his time here in Israel with Israelis knows all the Israeli hang outs, opposed to me who has spent most my trips here with Americans. In fact I believe we were the only English speakers in the bar. What has been most apparent to me is that unlike a Taglit-birthright israel trip (or a similar peer trip) that keeps your days insanely busy with only the plane ride home to reflect, this experience is almost the opposite. I have a lot of down time but everything I do brings new reflections at the moment. Nothing is simple enough to just do and be done with. Everything comes along with another poised question for me to answer. We were also discussing the pros and cons of living within the 'Jerusalem bubble'. Meaning, spending most of our time with English speakers of Anglo decent and that it will be a challenge for both of us to really break outside the mold. But heres to challenges!

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